Having tinted windows can give your car a whole new aesthetic, whilst also helping to regulate heat in the vehicle. Once you install tinted windows in your car, you’ll never want to go back to regular windows again!
So, how can you ensure that your tinted windows last? It’s all about how you care for and maintain them. One of the easiest ways you can ensure that your tinted windows look great for longer is to clean them. However, you cannot just use any cleaning solution on your tinted windows as you may damage the film or remove the tint altogether.
You may have heard that vinegar works wonders on tinted windows, but are unsure whether to give it a go. Luckily, we are here with the answers for you. So, is vinegar safe on tinted windows?

Is vinegar safe on tinted windows?
Yes, vinegar is safe to use on tinted windows. Actually, vinegar is a very effective cleaner when it comes to keeping your tinted windows in the best condition. Many people swear by using vinegar and no other products on their tinted windows as the results are so good.
Vinegar is a widely used cleaning agent that can be used for a range of hygiene and cleansing purposes. In addition, it is perfect for cleaning windows. However, with tinted windows, you need to be careful of the tinted film, as you do not want to move, damage or remove the film at all. Although vinegar is an acidic substance, it is very mildly acidic, and not abrasive enough to ruin your tinted windows.
This is why it has become a firm favorite for cleaning tinted windows! You can also weaken the vinegar in a water-based solution for a gentle cleanse of your tinted windows. As gentle is the only way to do it, ensure that you do not use any abrasive cleaning products, or anything with ammonia in it, as this will destroy the film and damage the tint.
How to clean tinted windows
First and foremost, you should wait at least 72 hours after your tinted windows have been installed and cured before thinking about cleaning them! This is to ensure that the solution under the film has dried completely, and adhered fully to the window. Then, park your vehicle in a shaded area ready for cleaning.
The best way to clean your tinted windows is with white vinegar. Simply add equal parts white vinegar and water into a spray bottle and combine.
Then, spray the solution on a small area first to see if it streaks or not. Just spay a small bit of your homemade vinegar and water solution onto the window, and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it off. If there is any streaking, damage or discoloration, then stop using it immediately.
If it works well, then you can begin. To do this, spray the mixture on a towel, and wipe your windows with the towel gently. Then, use your microfiber cloth to wipe down the tinted windows and remove any marks or streaks. Never let the solution dry by itself, as this could stain or leave marks. Always ensure that you wipe it away with the microfiber cloth.
With a second microfiber cloth, dry off any leftover residue or dampness to ensure that your tinted windows are squeaky clean! Finally, smoothen out any bubbles with a credit card wrapped in a cloth. Push the bubbles out gently, and smoothen the surface of the window, and voila! You are done!
What not to use on tinted windows
So, now you know what to clean your tinted windows with, and how to clean them, but you should also know what not to do when it comes to cleaning your tinted windows. For instance, you should never ever use ammonia based cleaning products on your tinted windows as this can damage the film and dry out or lighten the tint. Try using ammonia free Windex instead.
In addition, you will also want to avoid using any abrasive cleaners or products. This means not using scrubbing brushes, products, scouring pads or anything like paper towels or newspapers. These can have an adverse effect on your tinted windows, and will need to be avoided at all costs! That is, unless you want to cover the cost of installing new tinted windows!